Today I get to have a conversation with someone I've respected and been a big fan of for a long time. She is a Helsinki-based NeuroLeadership Coach. She helps individuals – change makers, researchers – and their teams bring their contribution to their environments by cultivating creative thinking and collaboration skills. And, today we get to discuss her new book! "How to Develop Your Creative Identity at Work - Integrating Personal Creativity Within Your Professional Role." It's a book that I've watched come into existence over the past couple of years. As I was participating in interviews with Oana, the questions she asked taught me a lot about myself, my view of myself, and my views on creativity, and opened my mind to new ways of thinking about creativity. Today, she does that for us! We talk about most people's biggest bias about creativity. We discuss everyone's impulses to be creative, we discuss the 4 areas of Creativity that Oana has identified: Artistic Creativity, Emotional Creativity, Initiative Creativity & Abstract Ideas Creativity. We also discuss the importance of creative habits and much more. I think you'll love this. IF you think that you're not a creative person, let Oana change your mind. It will lead to all kinds of great things!
Something wonderful happened to Oana when she became a mother. This biggest role of her life inspired her to press the refresh button. For instance, she started writing a personal blog.
Also, she embraced a career change after nine years of research and teaching experience at the Hanken School of Economics and Aalto School of Business.
In 2014, she got certified as a coach.
And in March 2017, she got her second certification grounded in social neuroscience, from the NeuroLeadership Institute in Helsinki.
Her appetite for becoming better in her role as a coach and trainer grows with each customer interaction. One of the most valuable rewards she gets is to see the smiles of insight on her clients’ faces and watch their gait transform into a walk on clouds after their sessions with her.
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If you're inspired to reach out directly, find her at