Live Like a Leader

Bot or Not? The New Era of Digital Verification | Liam Hale McCarty

Episode Summary

Liam and I discuss something that I've been thinking about ever since I got on the Internet in 1987—digital identity, the value of privacy, the value of authentication, the advantages and downsides of anonymity, and more. We discuss digital IDs and the first passport in the 1400s. We discuss the need for Government and leadership to solve this problem and why we can't wait any longer. Liam talks about Bill Foster of Illinois and his Digital ID legislation and how important it is for those in leadership roles to speak up about this! We discuss the call for digital IDs and a lot more. This is an under-examined area of great importance to society, commerce, and life on planet Earth. We hope you enjoy this conversation as much as we did! Find Liam at and

Episode Notes

Liam McCarty is the founder and CEO of Verified Inc., a digital identity company that helps companies onboard people faster, offer one-click signup for their services, and helps people verify who's sending them messages—is it a real person or a bot?

You'll enjoy Liam's take on leadership and personal growth, too! 

Find Liam at and