Live Like a Leader

Question Thinking™ and Mindset Awareness | Marilee Adams

Episode Summary

For a long time, I have been a big, big fan of Marilee Adams. And, now she's on my podcast! Marilee is an award-winning author and pioneer in the field of inquiry-based coaching, leadership, and organizational effectiveness. Her book Change Your Questions Change Your Life has sold over 400K copies in 22 languages, mostly by word of mouth. You can find her at She is someone who has had a profound effect on me and on many of my close friends. So, it's very fun to be able to talk with her and hear from her personally about her work and her current thinking. I know you'll love this conversation and I definitely recommend you grab a copy of the choice map and get her book! We talk about the Choice Map, the neuroscience underlying her book, her "switching" technique, how we feel our emotions in our body, and ways to use that to effectively create new, better habits and more. I hope you enjoy this! She's a gem.

Episode Notes

Dr. Marilee Adams is an award-winning author and pioneer in the fields of inquiry-based coaching, leadership, and organizational culture. She is the founder and CEO of Inquiry Institute, the originator of the Question Thinking™ methodologies, and a consultant, executive coach, and keynote speaker. Marilee is the author of the internationally bestselling book Change Your Questions, Change Your Life as well as The Art of the Question and Teaching that Changes Lives.

Marilee remembers this experience as if it was yesterday. She was leaving the psychologist’s office, after hours of testing for ADD, when the doctor patted her on the shoulder and said in a consoling voice, “Don’t expect too much of yourself.”


That was years before she published her first book, a cognitive-behavioral psychology textbook entitled The Art of the Question, which one reviewer hailed as the “book of the decade” in the field of psychology.

Marilee is driven by an unrelenting passion for learning and making a difference with what she learns. She credits this passion for learning as having been her saving grace and the basis for all she has developed. Her work is based on insights into the profound power of inquiry and mindsets in shaping our lives, our relationships, our results, and our futures. This work is making a global impact on individuals, executives, organizations, and teams. Marilee is happiest when people say things like: “Your work is so practical and it has changed my life—or my company, or my leadership, or my team, or even my marriage—Thank you!"